You can’t break records without support

Katie Francis, Girl Scouts

When I first decided to beat the world record for cookie selling, I didn’t know the journey it would set me on. After I beat the state record with 7,482 cookies in 2012 and 12,428 cookies in 2013, I decided to to try beat the world record and sell more than 18,000 cookies. I achieved my goal in 2014 with a record of 21,477 cookies. Then I wanted to challenge myself again and broke my own record and sold 22,200 cookies in 2015.

The previous record holder, Elizabeth Brinton, was very supportive and kind. I reached out to her and asked for advice for how she sold so many cookies in the mid-1980’s. She told me to think outside the box. She was the first Girl Scout in her area to sell cookies outside of a grocery store. Through her encouragement, I knew I could reach my goal.

I was inspired to break cookie sale records because of the previously state-funded 529 savings account college scholarship. When the state stopped funding the scholarship, Brad Reeser stepped in and funded it. The requirements are to write an essay and sell at least 1,500 boxes of cookies. I’ve been honored to win this scholarship and it means so much to me.

Another inspiration to sell so many cookies is because I want to help others. Through the funds that my troop raises during the cookie sale, we are able to support lots of different groups, such as Compassion International. We sponsor a child from Thailand named Mor through Compassion International and our sponsorship provides clothes, food, shelter, education and other needs.

We also support Make a Wish Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, Central Oklahoma Humane Society, Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and the YWCA Women’s Shelter. Our troop donated money towards a storm shelter for Girl Scout Camp E-Ko-Wah. We send cookies to the military serving overseas. We have volunteered at WildCare Oklahoma, which is an animal hospital and health care facility for wild animals native to Oklahoma and plan to do this again in the near future. One of our projects a few years ago was to deliver 54 backpacks full of school supplies to an orphanage in Cozumel. The orphanage was expanding and supplies were very much appreciated. Our projects and sponsorships are very important to us. It is a way to reach out and change the world.

I view the cookie sale as a fun way to get out into the community and help organizations and truly make a difference in the world. My ultimate goal is to sell 100,000 boxes of cookies during my time as a Girl Scout. I hope to achieve this goal by 2017, which is the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scout Cookie Sale. It began in 1917 in Muskogee, Oklahoma. I’ve currently sold 65,591 boxes and I know with perseverance and a positive attitude I’ll achieve that goal.